approval, concept of God, identity
“…everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25 NKJV). “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16 ESV) I was thinking about the season we are approaching...
approval, concept of God, identity, peace
A time of catching up with one of my sister-friends often includes talking about our relationship and circumstance struggles. This involves confessions of the flesh-producing lies in which we are entangled. After all, confession is good for the soul (and safe with a...
concept of God, identity, peace
As we look back to the garden of Eden in Genesis Chapter 3, we see what is traditionally called the “fall of man.” I never knew what that was all about until I began understanding New Covenant living (total dependence on Jesus Christ to meet all my needs)....
concept of God, emotions, identity
God, what is your opinion of me? That question, when sought and the answer believed, is life-changing. The New Covenant is filled with identity statements for the believer, beginning with “Saint.” For believers, who have not been taught that we had a nature change at...
concept of God, emotions, identity
I have had the honor of walking with many through our Discipleship Counseling process. Many doubt they hear the voice of God. I assure people they do hear the voice of God. How do I know that? Scripture tells us so in John 10: John 10:4 (AMPC) “When he has brought his...
concept of God, emotional health, freedom, identity, peace
As a “doer”, I’m enamored with Jesus’ “to do” list! He simply wants us to believe and live from the heart certainly not our own strength. All expressions of the heart are from love, His love. It takes the pressure off of the “I have to do” mentality. I just get to...