approval, concept of God, eternal security, freedom, intimacy
Colossians 2:10 – and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority; What if, right now, we are whole, complete, finished? As we take that apart, we have every reason to believe that we are. Why? Because Jesus not only says...
concept of God, eternal security, freedom, intimacy
God asked Adam and Eve one of the most intimate questions in all of Scripture, “Where are You?” He did this knowing full well their location. He also knew their thinking had been twisted by Satan as recorded in Genesis 3. That might answer the questions, “Where did...
concept of God, emotions, eternal security, freedom, fruit of the Spirit, intimacy
If our focus is indeed on Christ, Christmas can be very merry! If our focus is on the world, with its worldly thinking, we see that our world cannot help but fall apart. That sounds like doomsville! But really, the unsaved are living from their old man with its dead,...
concept of God, emotions, freedom, intimacy
Do we really believe that we can love, live, manage anything for one second without The Lord Jesus? We were never meant to; so, why do we try? Instead of Inviting Jesus In, we just tend to skip over, around and through hurtful places, bad experiences, and wounds and...