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Fountain of Life

by Renée H. Berry















The Truths of New Covenant living are basic to all. However, experiencing them intimately as God makes us and molds us into the image of Jesus Christ is very individualistic. As a counselor, teacher and trainer of the New Covenant Truths of Grace and Christ as Life, I am frequently asked two questions: How do I walk this out? and What does this look like? Even though the walking out is each individual’s personal journey, there are certain aspects that are true for all of us. This adventure resembles taking a well-planned cruise with 50 people. The trip is universally the same for all in terms of miles traveled and scenery viewed. Personal experiences, however, will be different for all 50 guests. Hopefully, this blog will enlighten the steps to the journey of New Covenant living and knowing Christ as Life. Every blog will offer an invitation to Invite Him In because after all, Jesus is the Fountain of Life.


For with You is the fountain of life
Psalm 36:9 (AMP)







approval, concept of God, emotional health, eternal security, peace


My old identity has been co-crucified with Messiah and no longer lives; for the nails of his cross crucified me with him. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me— we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, and dispenses his life into mine! ...

concept of God, emotional health, eternal security, peace


I was reading a devo on questions Jesus asked and why they matter. I had never considered that when He said some hard things, especially John 6:54 concerning Communion, many followers deserted Him. John 6:54-56 (TPT) "Eternal life comes to the one who eats my body...

approval, concept of God, identity, peace


A time of catching up with one of my sister-friends often includes talking about our relationship and circumstance struggles. This involves confessions of the flesh-producing lies in which we are entangled. After all, confession is good for the soul (and safe with...







Invite Him In: Jesus in Seasons of Adversity

In Invite Him In, Renée shares her testimony of the heart-wrenching diagnosis, treatment, and aftermath she faced. Walk with her as she piercingly describes her emotional war with the Truth of God’s Word based on her intimate relationship with Jesus.

Perhaps, you will relate to Renée's journey by agreeing it doesn't always feel as if God loves you, cares for you, or is on your side. There is a place for those feelings. They should catapult you into the lap of Jesus where He can reveal Truth to you.

Truth is the only thing that will set you free from emotional bondage. He desires to do that for you. Answer His call to Invite Him In!

About Me






About Me

         I am Renée—a fancy French name for an ordinary country girl. I love family, fall leaves, football and a house full of my brothers and sisters in Christ so I can cook. Yes, I LOVE to cook! I also like to write about all of the above as I totally depend on Christ as my LIFE. At age 12, I came to the realization that I loved the things of the Lord, but I did not have a personal, loving, saving relationship with Jesus. I had been raised in the church by a Christian family but I did not know Jesus just for me. I continued a life as a church-goer as I left my home of origin and married and established a home of my own. I realize now I accepted Christ as my Savior thinking I needed to do something for Him because in some way I was unacceptable. For years, I stepped up the plan to take care of that deficit. Take it from me, that did not work. As a trained musician, I not only worked in the church all of my adult life, but I landed a position as a Music Director for a Christian school. Sadly, I became more and more depressed. What in the world was lacking? I was “doing” all I could. Suddenly and tragically, my husband died when I was 48. We were at a pinnacle stage in our lives. We had raised two incredible children who were months away from being on their own. I resigned my music jobs and began to search for what would “fulfill” me. I looked for a...







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Renée H. Berry
Discipleship Counselor at Abundant Grace International
Speaker ~ Life Coach ~ Teacher ~ Trainer
Author: INVITE HIM IN: Jesus in Seasons of Adversity
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